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Looking for a pet?
Let us help.

Your pet is just one swipe away.

Finpaw Matching

Discover Local Pets

With Finpaw, you’d be able to find pets in Animal shelters near you. Just login, and let the magic happen. It is that easy!

Tired of searching Facebook pages and local animal shelters’ websites?

No problem. We now allow any animal shelter to post their pets on Finpaw. Also, anyone who can no longer take care of their pet is welcome to post their pets there. Therefore, you only have to look in one place to find your next pet!

Chat with the owner

When you match with a pet, the owner/animal shelter will contact you directly. You can tell them more about yourself, ask them questions, or request to see the pet in real life.

The stage is yours.

Add your pictures, and tell us more about what you’re looking for. Maybe tell us about your experience with previous pets. This is your time to shine! Owners will select you based on your profile, so be sure to impress!

Joining as Easy as 3 Steps

Download Finpaw


Swipe & Enjoy

Local Animal Shelters

Local animal shelters can now register via our app directly. Once verified, they will be able to post their pets, and everyone will be able to know that these pets are from a verified animal shelter. If you’d like to support your local animal shelter, let them know about the app and help their pets find new homes.